Why you need good e-commerce images

The best way to sell products is to let them sell themselves. And so, product photography is probably one of the most important aspects of any e-commerce website design. Without the ability to touch, smell, taste or otherwise handle the products they are interested in, potential customers only have images with which to interact. The more attractive your products look to shoppers, the more they’ll feel comfortable purchasing from you.

While any product can appear great in a photo, your images should also match your website’s overall aesthetic along with your company’s image.

Product Photography: For a restaurant, their food is their product!

PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY: For a restaurant, their food is their product! Photo by Ashley Schroeder.

Steps of product photography:

Prepare product

Make sure your product looks nice and has no imperfections like chips or stains or wrinkles in clothing.


Lighting can make or break the quality of details shown in your product photo.

Set  your camera

Watch out for noticeable reflections from your camera flash. Your photo might be staged, but try to make it less obvious. Take a few test shots — never assume the settings on your camera from the previous time you used it will work for future situations. Review your test shots, adjust your camera’s exposure settings as necessary, and try again until you’re happy with the shot.

Edit the photos

This is the final — and very important — step of product photography.

In a follow-up post, I’ll expand upon the four steps above as well as provide some more tips for taking better product pictures.


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